2014 Annual Meeting Minutes
Minutes of Friends of Five Points Annual Meeting
November 18, 2014
No. 3 Fire Hall
- Welcome from Interim Board Chair, Alice Kinman
- Reports on Activity for 2014:
- Financial Report: Interim Financial Officer Joyce Kitchens provided a Financial Report showing a current balance of $5,995.18 (as of October 15). The biggest expenditure of the year was the Easter Egg Hunt ($889.75). There was some discussion about finding a way to reduce the bank charges, which are currently nearly $10/month. Joyce agreed to work on that.
- Website: Website Coordinator John Weatherford reported on various updates and improvements made to the website this year, making it much easier to navigate and also adding a feature that allows neighbors to sign up for or renew memberships online, as well as check their membership status.
- Listserv: Sara Beresford, who replaced Jill Gambril as Listserv Coordinator during the course of 2014, reported that the listserv is running smoothly. She noted the update to the listserv policy that the Board approved, under Jill’s leadership, earlier this year.
- Membership: Membership Coordinator Kristen Nielsen reported on the current state of our membership. After a successful membership drive earlier this year, Friends of Five Points has 279 household members. Kristen suggested that in the upcoming year the Board look into providing some sort of service that reminds members when their membership is up for renewal and perhaps even allowing for an opt-in automatic renewal service.
- Business Relations: Business Relations Coordinator Kevin Florence (owner, Add Drugs) reported on successful partnerships between the Friends of Five Points and the Five Points Business Association, most notably the Holiday Market, which was a success despite bad weather. He reported that the FPBA is in discussions about how the two organizations can work together to provide ways for residents and businesses to interact.
- Government and Community Relations: Government and Community Relations Coordinator Susan Field reported on her efforts to keep the FOFP community informed of important events, government announcements, community meetings, etc. She reported that our membership in the Federation of Neighborhoods is up to date and that FOFN has had some very successful forums in 2014.
- Election of Board Officers for 2015-17
The following slate was presented:
Alice Kinman Chair
Kevin Florence Vice Chair
Secretary Paige Cummings
Financial Officer Joyce Kitchens
The slate was approved unanimously.
- Some discussion was held about the Board Meeting Calendar for 2015. Since one Board member was absent, it was agreed that the Board Chair would poll members by email and report on the Meeting Calendar at a later date.
- September 2014 Notes
- December 2014 Newsletter