February 2015 Newsletter

Dear Friends of Five Points,

Happy New Year! I hope that everyone survived the ice storm this week. If you’ve been out and about around the Five Points neighborhood you’ve no doubt heard the sounds of many chainsaws at work.

The Friends of Five Points Neighborhood Association held its first meeting of 2015 on January 15 at the No. 3 Fire Hall in Five Points. Our primary agenda item was a discussion of ideas for an event that Friends of Five Points can sponsor that would be focused on our adult members and would also benefit the Five Points businesses.

There was consensus that a “pub crawl” featuring Five Points restaurants would be a fun event to bring the neighborhood together. We are in the very early planning stages for this event, but we are looking at a week night in the second or third week of May. If you would like to help plan this event, please let us know by sending an email to board@friendsoffivepoints.org.

In other news, Board member Sara Beresford has announced that the hugely popular Friends of Five Points Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, April 4. Mark your calendars now!

Finally, if you would like to check the status of your membership in Friends of Five Points, there’s an easy link to do so at our website, www.friendsoffivepoints.org. Just click on the “Membership” tab and scroll down to “Check Your Membership Status.” You can look up your address and see when your membership is up for renewal. If you are not yet a member, we encourage you to join us! You can do that from the same “Membership” page through our secure server, or you can print out the membership form and mail it in with your dues.

Our next Board meeting is this Thursday, February 19, in the Community Room of the Five Points Fire Station. We invite all members to join us!



Alice Kinman
FOFP Board Chair